Tadalafil Vidalista 2.5mg Generic Cialis Pills for Men's Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

  • group nameGeneric Cialis Sex Pills

  • Min Order100 box

  • brand nameH&C

  • modelC-10

  • payment methodWestern Union, MoneyGram, T/T, Paypal

  • update timeWed, 19 Aug 2020 15:48:18 GMT


  • Product Name Vidalista Sex Tablet

  • Color Yellow

  • Strength 2.5mg

  • Application Male

  • Function ED Medecine

Packging & Delivery

  • Min Order100 box


Vidalista 2.5mg tablet is a safe & FDA approved Erectile Dysfunction treating medicine for men.


Tadalafil Vidalista 2.5mg Generic Cialis Pills for Men's Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Vidalista 2.5mg Tablet is a safe & FDA approved Erectile Dysfunction treating medicine. It is composed of Tadalafil as its main active ingredient. They have been manufactured in different dosages keeping in mind seriousness of the impotence condition. The medicine is available in 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg of dosages.

Active Ingredient: This conventional oral pill has Tadalafil as its parent ingredient. It is most effective ingredient and is even better than the popular Sildenafil Citrate. The effectiveness of this ingredient last for up to 36 hours. Such long-lasting effectiveness has made it the weekend pill which stays effective for 2 days in the presence of sexual stimulation or arousal. It is present in the medicine as per its power.

IndicationVidalista 2.5mg medicine is an effective medication for treating Erectile Dysfunction in men. Impotence is a serious issue growing in men especially among the youth. With moderate and proper medication, it can put to the bay.

Action Mechanism: This sexual disorder medicine is known as the PDE-5 inhibitor. When men are sexually excited or aroused this PDE-5 class of medicine relaxes the penile muscles and also make the blood flow in the penile region sufficient for the penile to stand erect during sexual intercourse.

Usage: Take Vidalista tablets with water would be your best way to consume Vidalista of any strength may it be Vidalista10 / Vidalista20 / Vidalista40 / Vidalista 60. You can also consume Vidalista with food as the medicine is not affected by food intake. Taking Vidalista 2.5 mg at least 30 minutes before sexual activity is what will serve its purpose. Although it can take anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 hour for Vidalista to take its complete effect depending on one’s digestive system.

DosagesVidalista is available in the following dosages:

  • 2.5 mg: Helps in treating mild to moderate level of impotence in men
  • 5 mg: Consisting 5 mg of Tadalafil it stays effective for 10-12 hours
  • 10 mg: Being a high-powered pill it is the best when it comes to treating severe level of impotence. It stays effective for a period of 20 hours
  • 20 mg: medicine having the highest hour, is effective for an amazing 36 hours, should be taken only under the guidance of the doctor

Note: Women and children should not consume this medicine.