Hydraulic Circuit training Equipment

  • group nameHydraulic Circuit-training Equipment

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  • brand nameGYM POWER

  • modelCT400

  • update timeMon, 03 Sep 2012 07:38:45 GMT


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Hydraulic Circuit-training Equipment Fitness equipment for 30-minute exercise workouts



Hydraulic Circuit-training Equipment

Fitness equipment for 30-minute exercise workouts

We are proud to introduce to you our exclusive Hydra Fit line of hydraulic circuit-training equipment, specifically designed for fitness centers offering 30-minute circuit-training workouts.

Designed in-house, this state-of-the-art equipment is built to promote 30-minute circuit-training workouts. We know that our fitness machines must be reliable, easy to maintain and built to last. And they are!

What makes circuit-training so special

Circuit training is based on the concept that each exercise helps work different muscles in different ways. Instead of concentrating on just a few muscles, circuit-training promotes all-round fitness. It usually entails a minimum of ten strength exercises that are completed one after the other. Each exercise requires a minimum of 30 seconds to maximize a full body workout. Then the person proceeds to the next station, to a new exercise, to work on a different set of muscles.

A circuit-training fitness center is designed with the appropriate fitness machines aligned so that a person simply moves from one machine to the other. We help fitness centers determine the best mix of circuit-training equipment and the best layout for the easiest and most effective training usage.

This exercise equipment is ideal for 30-minute workout fitness centers

Not all fitness centers offer 30-minute workout programs, and not all 30-minute workout centers offer a mens circuit-training program. Our equipment is designed for both women's and men's circuit-training programs, and we also offer a line of circuit-training equipment for kids.

Properly laid out, it is ideal for groups circuit-training, whether that group be a family, a social club or a work force. The equipment has been designed to benefit everyone from beginners to fitness enthusiasts, catering to the full range of fitness center clientele.

Buy original hydraulic circuit-training equipment

If you are planning to set up a circuit-training center, we are your one-stop shop.

This equipment is original. It is unique. It was not designed by some multinational corporation conducting focus-group surveys. We designed our hydraulic fitness machines in the field, developing them to mimic the natural fluid motion of the body for targeting the proper muscle group, and testing them in real-life circuit-training environment.

The equipment utilizes carefully designed pivot points and adjustable arms that follow the natural movement of the body. The benefits of a such a carefully designed fitness machine are two-fold:

  1. greatly impacts the user's ability to get the most benefit from the exercise
  2. it is less likely to breakdown or need repairs as the user is forcing the machine to move in the direction it was built to be used and not against it

Edge Fitness continues to develop innovative products for the Hydra Fit product line on a regular basis to keep you, our clients, on the cutting edge of the fitness industry.

About hydraulic resistance training programs

There are various types of circuit-training. Our machines are geared to provide the best "resistance training" and the best cardio workout available anywhere. Resistance training increases muscle strength by applying the muscles against opposing pressure or resistance. Traditionally, the opposing pressure has been a weight, such as a dumbbell or a barbell.

Our fitness equipment has all been designed using hydraulics, providing an enormous benefit over simple weights. When lifting weights, one's arms or legs push in only one direction – against gravity. With hydraulic circuit training equipment, pressure is applied in both directions, providing for a much more effective resistance training...so that users get more out of a 30-minute workout than they would lifting weights.

Our latest technology includes the glute, the lower ab, the bicep/tricep unilateral. The bicep/tricep unilateral movement is the most advance hydraulic machine to date. It allows the user to exercise one arm at a time in a seated position. It is not like the conventional hydraulics with the pad pressing against the chest.